Introduction to me!

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Hi guys! So I guess this is my blog. Not much, But not too little either. So I suppose that my first post is meant to give you the cha...

Thursday 28 January 2016


I am currently at school, the worst place in the world.

Seriously, who invented school?

It's just a giant hell hole.

It's like jail, and us students are the prisoners.

6 whole hours of learning stuff.

I do enjoy music, art and PE but those are practical subjects. The fun ones.

The subject that I dislike is maths for sure. It makes my brain all bamboozled and my eyes twitch. It's very unpleasant.

The only thing I like about maths would have to be the people that I sit around.

They all make me laugh, yeah, the teacher catches us and tells us off but so what? I have a good time when they're all there.

It's rubbish when they're off though. The room just seems so gloomy and empty.

Our maths teacher goes on and on talking until we have like ten minutes before the bell.

At least I have some cool people in my class.

I gues what I'm trying to say is that you should find a positive about everything you do whether you like it or not.

Even if it's just that you don't have the subject on a certain day, it's still a positive. Trust me, that one thing will make doing it much easier.

That concludes todays blog post!

I hope you all enjoyed!

Leave a comment saying what I should do for my next post!

Bye guys!

                                ~LivLife :) x

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