Introduction to me!

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Hi guys! So I guess this is my blog. Not much, But not too little either. So I suppose that my first post is meant to give you the cha...

Thursday 28 January 2016


I am currently at school, the worst place in the world.

Seriously, who invented school?

It's just a giant hell hole.

It's like jail, and us students are the prisoners.

6 whole hours of learning stuff.

I do enjoy music, art and PE but those are practical subjects. The fun ones.

The subject that I dislike is maths for sure. It makes my brain all bamboozled and my eyes twitch. It's very unpleasant.

The only thing I like about maths would have to be the people that I sit around.

They all make me laugh, yeah, the teacher catches us and tells us off but so what? I have a good time when they're all there.

It's rubbish when they're off though. The room just seems so gloomy and empty.

Our maths teacher goes on and on talking until we have like ten minutes before the bell.

At least I have some cool people in my class.

I gues what I'm trying to say is that you should find a positive about everything you do whether you like it or not.

Even if it's just that you don't have the subject on a certain day, it's still a positive. Trust me, that one thing will make doing it much easier.

That concludes todays blog post!

I hope you all enjoyed!

Leave a comment saying what I should do for my next post!

Bye guys!

                                ~LivLife :) x

Sunday 3 January 2016

Buzzing for the 13th!!


Hello there again guys!!!

One of my friends requested this post so I'm going to do it!

So, on January the 13th 2016, the new episode of Pretty Little Liars is out!!!!

If you do not know what Pretty Little Liars is then I suggest that you watch it...

Basically, it's a Horror/Thriller/Murder Mystery programme with a hint of Romance and it's FANTABULOUS!!!

I just can't wait!!! It's going to be amazing, I cannot put into words how happy I am that this is happening to me. I'll be pretty inactive on the 13th all because of this but I'm pretty sure that nobody will really care that I'm gone xD

I'm sorry that this post was really short but it was only an update.

Thanks friend for getting me psyched out about this!

I seriously had no clue when it was coming back!

Anyways, all good things must come to an end.

Thank you all for reading!

I luv y'all!

                               ~LivLife :) x



It's been a while, hasn't it?

Sorry for being so inactive for so long.

I'm a busy person you know!

I had decided to take a break from blogging for a while but I'm back!!!

In today's post, I would like to talk about anxiety.

Now, just recently, I had been diagnosed with anxiety. Which is a mental health problem that makes you worry ten times worse than others. It makes me feel sick and my head gets really heavy, and if it's really bad, some days I get really dizzy and pass out.

It isn't life threatening or anything but it's still important. People suffer everyday because of this.

I hope that one day, there is a cure for it. That might sound stupid because it's mental health but there has to be some sort of therapy for it.

Want to hear a story? What's that? You don't! I'm going to tell you anyway ;3


One of my anxiety moments.

One of my worst moments would have to be when I was with two of my friends.

We were walking to a park down the road from my house . It shouldn't of taken that long to get there but we ended up using 30 minutes of our time to get there.

When we where about half way there, it started to rain (Not Good).

I felt lost because I had never walked that way before, and before I knew it, I started thinking bad thoughts like 'What if someone snatches us?' 'What if we get lost?' 'What if they're lying and they don't know the way there?' and 'What if I never make it home?'

As I thought of these situations my eyes started to get blurry and my head felt heavy. I turned around to ask my friends if we could go home but they told me we where almost there. I nodded and turned around, before I knew it, I could see familiar roads. I could see the park and next to it, the street leading up to the main road on which my house is.

We stayed at the park for a brief moment and set off to go home.

I was soaked right through to my skin and I was still running over the possibilities of becoming lost. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but I kept them there because I didn't want to cry in front of my friends. They could've told someone untrusted.

As I reached the peak of the hill, I could make out the school on the main road through the thick mist. My heart racing, I ran to the school, signalling my friends to follow. At this moment in time, I could see the headlights on many of the cars in traffic. When my friends caught up with me, I recognised a certain car.

I walked over to the car vigorously and peeked inside the window. The person inside the car was none other than my Dad. I was so relieved to see him. I tapped the window and he rolled it down. I asked him to give me and my friends a lift home. He agreed and told us all to sit in the back because he didn't want the front seat soaking wet. There were some random boys at the bus stop opposite the road laughing at us, but I just stuck out my tongue and jumped into the car.

He dropped us off at our houses to dry our clothes and hair. We all got changed and headed to my friends house. We had fun, yay, blahahahah.

So yeah, that's the end of my story! Back to being normal, well, being me. 
I just wanted you guys to know that, whatever happens, you are NOT alone. I am here for anybody who wants to talk to me. I won't make fun of you no matter the problem.

That's the end of today's blog, comment down below what you would like me to write about in my next post!

I luv y'all!

                             ~LivLife :) x

No matter what anybody says, you're beautiful.

Image result for You're amazing
Picture of the day

Friday 5 June 2015

The World in my eyes

This world that we live in used to be pure, clean if you like.
But now?
It's just cruel...
People these days are selfish and arrogant, and I, for one, hate it.
Sometimes I feel that I've had enough. That I'm done with trying to be good and kind to people because no-matter what you try to do to help someone will always overrule you with some sort of nonsense.

But I never give up.

People try to doubt me. Tell me that I can't do something just because I'm small or shy. And I hate those people with a burning passion. They are just plain jealous.

I keep trying to do my best and keep people happy.
And you know what? That's what today's post is going to be about.

As requested by SophinaBobina.


I'm lucky to have been brought up right, I really am.
My parents always taught me to treat people how I would want to be treated. And that's how I have acted my whole life even now. But obviously, some parents failed to explain that.

So really I just don't bother with most people anymore. And you know what? I think that I made a wise choice. I really do. Because people may seems nice at first but once you get to know them, wow... you suddenly feel like you wish you never knew them.
That's happened a lot recently.
I've lost hope in most people and moved on to others that I really believe will stick by me.

Now I'll be truthful here, I'm not the best of people to get along with. So be careful, I might bite if you say the wrong things XD.

I'm gonna let you all in on a little something, and you HAVE to remember this. Now, people change. They might not always be the same person that they were in Primary 4 because really, some people get ahead of themselves and they move on, and that's okay! You just need to learn to move on too and forget them because maybe they weren't your real friends all along.


I'd also like to add that I am absolutely appalled at the behaviour of the cavemen these days. Why did they HAVE to kill ALL of dinosaurs? I mean really? WHYYYYY?

I'd like to thank SophinaBobina for this weeks post idea. It really helped me out.

Until next time, Luv ya guys!
                                                 -LivLife :) x

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Hi guys!

So I guess this is my blog.

Not much, But not too little either.

So I suppose that my first post is meant to give you the chance to get to know me better!

So to start off. I looooooooove hockey.
I've been playing hockey for 5-6 years now and i'm still loving it.
(Sidenote- I won't be posting most Mondays and Thursdays because I have got hockey training.)

I adore football.
Well I pretty much love any sport really. You could call me a bit of a tomboy!

I <3 kittens!
It's self explanatory really. They're just so cute and cuddly and fluffy and sweet.
I really wish I was a kitten man, I really wish that.  :3

I love ze art.
Art is love, art is life. I just really love that you could draw anything that's on your mind and you'd be the only one that truly understands it.

I don't take criticism very well.
To anyone that knows my true identity. They may not notice this but sometimes I get really hurt. Someone could say something that really just sounds  ridiculous and I could cry the whole night away just thinking about it. I don't mind a little joke but sometimes people really take it WAY past the line. Yeah, just keep that in mind when you're talking to me please. For the sake of humanity.

Wow! Sorry if I typed too much but I just get really carried away with things and then SHMACK, BANG, WALLOP! I'm in my own wee world. 

I don't really mind if people don't really read my posts or pay any attention to me because it seriously just feels good knowing that I can get all of my feelings out of my system.

Until next post, I love you guys.

-LivLife <3 : )
Quirky Picture of the Day!